T'was a very long day for Political Science people of MSU-IIT yesterday. Our Sports Fest '12 was successful!!!
Tug of Peace (we're 2nd and I am one of the players) =))
My one and only dear who's really game! Such a lovely smile.
Angelic smiles at the vanity wall. ;)
We're still beautiful! :))
Yes! We're Juniors!
Happy Birthday also to the beautiful Cleve Ulalo.
The Inseparable Three
We dance like there's no tomorrow!!
The Third Year studs or the "GWAPO, GWAPA! PULA PULA!" ranked 2nd with the help of our ever supportive beautiful and sexy adviser Prof. Lorigen Paterno.
*All the back pains and "pamaul" (sorry i don't know the English term) was worth it! I really enjoyed this year SPORTSFEST and looking forward for the next year experience.